Information and Deadlines
Check the ‘Registrations’ list to see if you have other competitors in your division group
You have until two weeks prior to event to cancel for FULL refund
You have until Change Deadline to either edit your registration to move into a different division or cancel your registration for a FULL voucher coupon for a future event
After Change Deadline you -may- be merged into a new (fair) division without notification
- Adults: weight divisions may be combined, and age groups may be combined
- Kids: merges will follow very limited merges. If you do not agree to potential merges, please ensure you cancel the registration prior to change deadline.
If you remain by yourself in your group, this means you do not have any matches and will be provided (after the event) a FULL voucher coupon for a future event.
Please check the listed registration list, brackets, schedule and matches regularly.
We will not make changes after change deadline apart from cancellations.